AppEasy Core SDK  1.5.0
Cross platform mobile and desktop app and game development SDK - The easy way to make apps
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00001 // 
00002 //
00003 // AppEasy SDK - Cross Platform Multi-purpose Game and App Engine
00004 //
00005 // Developed by Matthew Hopwood of Pocketeers Limited -
00006 //
00007 // For updates, tutorials and more details check out
00008 //
00009 // This code is provided free of charge and without any warranty whatsoever. You must ensure that this whole notice is present in all files and derivatives, so the reader knows its origin.
00010 // If you use this SDK in your product then please ensure that you credit AppEasy's usage appropriately. Please see for licensing details and support
00011 //
00012 //
00014 #ifndef __CZ_STRING_H__
00015 #define __CZ_STRING_H__
00017 #include <string>
00018 #include "CzUtil.h"
00019 #include "CzSlotArray.h"
00021 /**
00022  @addtogroup Core
00023  @{
00024  */
00026 /**
00027  @class CzString
00029  @brief A simple named string builder style class
00031  <h1>Introduction</h1>
00033  Strings are used extensively throughout app / game development, making it an incredibly important subject. We use strings for everything from naming objects to presenting interactive text to the player. 
00035  String building can be a nightmare for memory managers as constantly rebuilding strings causes many memory allocations and deallocations fragmenting the available memory into small hard to use units. 
00037  A string builder is a class that allows you to build a string using a predefined sized buffer or at the very least a buffer than can be resized. CzString supports the following features:
00038  - String builder functionality
00039  - String concetanation and resizing
00040  - String building from basic types such as integers, floats and boolean types
00041  - String comparison
00042  - String splitting
00043  - Stream style string searching
00044  - Find strings between markers
00045  - Character replacement
00046  - HTML decoding
00047  - Hex encoding / decoding
00048  - URL encoding / decoding
00049  - Change of case
00050  - Extraction of numbers / items and lists of numbers / items
00052  <h1>Basic String Building</h1>
00054  Strings can be created from raw text, integers, floats, boolean and even vector variables as shown below:
00056  @code
00057 CzString string("Hello");       // Creation from raw text
00058 CzString int_string(1234);      // Creation from an integer
00059 CzString int_string(100.234f);  // Creation from a float
00060 CzString int_string(true);      // Creation from a boolean
00061  @endcode
00063  Strings can also be concatenated:
00066  @eode
00067 CzString string("Hello");
00068 string += ". How you doing";
00069  @endcode
00072  If you are creating a string and you know that it will require quite a number of concatenations then you should set its initial size to prevent memory resizing, here's an example:
00074  @code
00075 CzString string;
00076 string.allocString(1024);   // here we preallocate 1024 bytes of memory for the string
00077 string += "Hello!";
00078 string += " How you doing.";
00079 string += " I'm great thanks, how are you?";
00080 string += " Fantastico!";
00081  @endcode
00083  <h1>Comparing Strings</h1>
00085  When two strings are compared using the CzString class their hash values are compared for equality. By default each time you create or modify a string a hash value for the string is recalculated. 
00086  When building a long string it may be a good idea to turn auto string hashing off until the string has been built then turn itback on just before your last concatenation:
00088  @code
00089 CzString string;
00090 string.allocString(1024);
00091 string.setAutoHash(false);
00092 string += "Hello!";
00093 string += " How you doing.";
00094 string += " I'm great thanks, how are you?";
00095 string.setAutoHash(true);
00096 string += " Fantastico!";
00097  @endcode
00099  Note that if string auto hashing is disabled then a full string compare will be carried out.
00101  <h1>Stream Style Searching</h1>
00103  CzString is set up to allow stream like searching whereby your last searched position will be saved, allowing you to carry out additional searches from where the last search left off. This 
00104  type of string searching is incredibly useful when it comes to parsing areas of memory. The following methods can be used:
00106  <h1>Getting Strings Values</h1>
00108  CzString provides some useful methods for converting from strings to certain other types:
00110  @code
00111 int             getAsInt() const;                               // Returns the integer value of the string
00112 bool            getAsBool() const;                              // Returns the boolean value of the string. Valid values include true and 1, all other values are classed as false
00113 float           getAsFloat() const;                             // Returns the floating point value of the string
00114 int             getAsListOfInt(int *int_pool);                  // Returns a list of integers (string should contain comma separated values)
00115 int             getAsListOfFloat(float* float_pool);            // Returns a list of floats (string should contain comma separated values)
00116 int             getAsVectorOfFloat(CzVector<float> *int_pool);  // Returns a vector of ints (string should contain comma separated values)
00117 int             getAsVectorOfInt(CzVector<int> *int_pool);      // Returns a vector of floats (string should contain comma separated values)
00118  @endcode
00120  <h1>Other Useful String Tools</h1>
00122  CzString contains many other useful utility methods to help make various tasks easier:
00123  - Replace() - Replaces all occurrences of char / string with the replacement in a string
00124  - Contains() - Returns true if a string contains the specified character
00125  - ReplaceHTMLCodes() - Replaces HTML style codes such as &amp; with their ACII equivalents
00126  - URLEncode() - Encodes a string as URL encoded
00127  - URLDecode() - Decodes a URL encoded string
00128  - HexEncode() - Encodes the text as hexadecimal
00129  - HexDecode() - Decodes a string of Hex to text
00130  - ToLower() - Converts a string to all lower case
00131  - ToUpper() - Converts a string to all upper case
00132  - SplitFileName() - Splits a string into file name and extension strings
00133  - GetFilenameExt() - Extracts a file names extension as a string
00134  - Split() - Splits a string using a specified separator into an array of strings 
00135  - SplitVarIndex() - Splits an XOML variable name / index (var_name:index)
00136  - SplitPropVarIndex() - Splits an XOML property variable name / index ([prop_name]var_name:index)
00138  */
00140 class CzString
00141 {
00142     // Properties
00143 protected:
00144     char*           Data;           ///< The string data
00145     int             Length;         ///< Length of the string
00146     int             Size;           ///< Size of memory reserved for the string
00147     unsigned int    DataHash;       ///< Hash value of the data (for fast comparison)
00148 //  unsigned int    NameHash;       ///< Hash value of the name (for fast searching)
00149     bool            AutoHash;       ///< true to calculate hash value every time string is updated
00150     int             FindIndex;      ///< Used to track multiple searches
00152 public:
00153     void            reallocString(int len);                                         ///< Reallocate the amount of space available to the string
00154     void            allocString(int len);                                           ///< Allocates a new string, destroying the existing string
00155     void            reset();                                                        ///< Destroys the string
00156     void            setString(const char *str);                                     ///< Sets the string to the new string
00157     void            setString(const char *str, int len);                            ///< Sets the string to the new string of specified length
00158     char*           getString()                                 { return Data; }    ///< Returns the string
00159     CzString        getSubString(int start, int max_chars);                         ///< Returns a sub string of this string
00160     CzString        getSubString(int start);                                        ///< Returns all chars from start to the enmd of the string
00161 //  void            setName(char *name);
00162 //  unsigned int    getNameHash() const                         { return NameHash; }
00163     unsigned int    getHash() const                             { return DataHash; }    ///< Gets ths strings hash value
00164     void            setAutoHash(bool enable);                                           ///< Sets string auo hashing on / off
00165     void            setLength(int length)                       { Length = length; }    ///< Sets ths strings length (does not affect the amount of memory allocated to the string)
00166     bool            isAutohash() const                          { return AutoHash; }    ///< Returns true if auto hashing is enabled
00167     // Properties end
00169 private:
00170     char*           alloc(int num_chars);
00171     void            free(char*& mem);
00173 public:
00174     CzString() : Data(NULL), Length(0), Size(0), AutoHash(true), FindIndex(0), DataHash(0) {}
00175     CzString(const CzString &string);
00176     CzString(const char *pString, int start, int num_chars);
00177     CzString(const char *pString);
00178     CzString(int v);
00179     CzString(unsigned int v);
00180     CzString(float v);
00181     CzString(bool v);
00182     CzString(const CzVec2& v);
00183     CzString(const CzVec3& v);
00184     CzString(const CzVec4& v);
00185     CzString(const CzColour& v);
00186     virtual ~CzString()
00187     {
00188         if (Data != NULL)
00189             delete [] Data;
00190     }
00192     // Query
00193     int             getSize() const { return Size; }                            ///< Returns the size of the string. Size is the amount of memory available to the string
00194     int             getLength() const { return Length; }                        ///< Returns the length of the string
00195     int             getAsInt() const;                                           ///< Returns the integer value of the string
00196     bool            getAsBool() const;                                          ///< Returns the boolean value of the string. Valid values include true and 1, all other values are classed as false
00197     float           getAsFloat() const;                                         ///< Returns the floating point value of the string
00198     int             getAsListOfInt(int *int_pool) const;                        ///< Returns a list of integers (string should contain comma separated values)
00199     int             getAsListOfFloat(float* float_pool) const;                  ///< Returns a list of floats (string should contain comma separated values)
00200     int             getAsVectorOfFloat(CzVector<float> *int_pool);              ///< Returns a vector of ints (string should contain comma separated values)
00201     int             getAsVectorOfInt(CzVector<int> *int_pool);                  ///< Returns a vector of floats (string should contain comma separated values)
00202     bool            isEmpty() const { return Data == NULL || Length == 0; }     ///< Returns true if the string is empty
00204     void            set(int v);
00205     void            set(float v);
00206     void            set(bool v);
00207     void            set(const CzVec2& v);
00208     void            set(const CzVec3& v);
00209     void            set(const CzVec4& v);
00210     void            set(const CzColour& v);
00212     // Copy
00213     void            Copy(const char* pString);
00214     void            Copy(CzString& pString);
00215     void            Copy(const char *pString, int start, int count);
00217     // Operators
00218     CzString&       operator=	(const CzString& op);
00219     CzString&       operator=	(const char *op);
00220     char            operator[]	(int nIndex);
00221     CzString&       operator+=	(const CzString& op);
00222     CzString&       operator+=	(const char* op);
00223     CzString&       operator=	(int v);
00224     CzString&       operator=	(float v);
00225     CzString&       operator=	(char chr);
00226     CzString&       operator+=	(int v);
00227     CzString&       operator+=	(float v);
00228     CzString&       operator+=	(char chr);
00229     bool            operator==	(const CzString& op);
00230     bool            operator==	(const char* op);
00231     bool            operator==	(unsigned int hash);
00232     char*           str() const { return Data; }
00233     const char*     c_str() const { return (const char *)Data; }
00235     bool            Compare(const char* pString, int len) const;                        ///< Compares two strings, returns true if same
00236     bool            Compare(int start, const char* pString, int len) const;             ///< Compares a string and a sub string, returns true if same
00238     // Searching
00239     int             Find(const char* string);                                           ///< Simple string search
00240     int             FindNext(const char* string, int len);                              ///< Searches from last find position for text string
00241     int             FindNext(const char* string);                                       ///< Searches from last find position for text string
00242     int             FindNext(char chr);                                                 ///< Searches from last find position for the specified character
00243     void            FindReset();                                                        ///< Resets the find position to start of string
00244     int             StepFindIndex(int amount);                                          ///< Adjust the find position by the specified
00245     int             StepFindIndexNoneWhiteSpace();                                      ///< Adjust the find position to the next none white space
00246     int             StepFindIndexWhiteSpace();                                          ///< Adjust the find position to the next white space
00247     void            setFindIndex(int index) { FindIndex = index; }                      ///< Sets the current find index
00248     int             getFindIndex() const { return FindIndex; }                          ///< Gets the current find index
00249     int             GetNextMarkerOffset(char marker);                                   ///< Returns length to the end of paramneter marker
00250     int             GetNextString();                                                    ///< Returns the next string
00251     int             GetNextMarkedString(char start_mark, char end_mark, int &offset);   ///< Returns a string marked by start and end marker characters
00252     int             GetNextMarkedStringAfterString(const char* search_string, char start_mark, char end_mark, CzString& out_string);    ///< Returns the next marked string after finding a certain string
00253     // Utility
00254     int             Replace(const char* string, const char* with);
00255     void            Replace(char chr, char with);
00256     bool            ContainsHTMLCodes() const;
00257     int             Contains(char c) const;
00258     int             Occurrences(char c) const;
00259     void            ReplaceHTMLCodes();
00260     void            URLEncode(const char* str);
00261     void            URLEncode();
00262     void            URLDecode();
00263     void            HexEncode(const char* str, int num_bytes);
00264     void            HexEncode();
00265     void            HexDecode();
00266     bool            SplitFilename(CzString& filename, CzString& ext);
00267     bool            GetFilenameExt(CzString& ext);
00268     bool            SplitVarIndex(CzString &var, int &index, CzString& vindex);
00269     bool            SplitPropVarIndex(CzString &prop, CzString &var, int &index, CzString& vindex);
00270     CzSlotArray<CzString*>* Split(char split_char);
00271     void            Split(char split_char, CzSlotArray<CzString*>* strings);
00273     static unsigned int CalculateHash(const char* pString, int hash = 5381);
00275     inline static bool IsNumber(char c)
00276     {
00277         if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
00278             return true;
00279         return false;
00280     }
00282     inline static bool IsAlpha(char c)
00283     {
00284         if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'))
00285             return true;
00286         return false;
00287     }
00289     inline static bool IsLower(char c)
00290     {
00291         if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
00292             return true;
00293         return false;
00294     }
00296     inline static bool IsUpper(char c)
00297     {
00298         if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
00299             return true;
00300         return false;
00301     }
00303     inline static int GetValueFromHexDigit(char c)
00304     {
00305         if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
00306             return c - '0';
00307         if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
00308             return c - 'a' + 10;
00309         if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
00310             return c - 'A' + 10;
00312         return 0;
00313     }
00315     void        ToUpper();
00316     void        ToLower();
00317 };
00319 /**
00320  @typedef   CzList<CzString*> CzXmlStringList
00322  @brief A list of CzString's
00323  */
00324 typedef CzList<CzString*> CzStringList;
00326 /// @}
00328 #endif  // __CZ_STRING_H__