I’m quite excited to announce a new free mobile games and apps discovery service called Free Games Bandit. Free Games Bandit was invented to serve two purposes: App discovery from the users point of view First and foremost, as an avid mobile app user and gamer I have a MASSIVE gripe with app stores such […]
Getting your app featured on Google Play – What to do and not to do
Looking at my recent app sales / downloads and feeling quite disappointed I sat wondering why none of my apps have yet been featured on Google Play. I searched around and around and finally found something that could explain why. A recent-ish (2012 to be exact) talk by Dan Galpin and Ian Lewis at the […]
HTML 5 Gotchas
On this page I will place all of the gotchas that I come across during my HTML 5 developments. IndexSizeError: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount I got this error Firefox and a similar error in Internet Explorer whilst drawing an image to the HTML 5 canvas using drawImage(). The […]
Marmalade SDK 7.3.1 is out now, Fortumo, FBX exporter and other cool additions
Yep that’s right, Marmalade 7.3.1 is smoking hot and fresh off the press. In case you have been developing games in a cave somewhere with no internet connection the Marmalade SDK is an awesome piece of technology that enables you to create games that run across many different mobile and desktop platforms with “one single […]
HTML5 cheat sheet
This page is basically a dumping ground for all the useful bits of info that relates to HTML5 development. Useful HTML5 semantic elements <article> – Defines an article in the document <aside> – Defines content aside from the other page content <footer> – Defines the footer for a section in the document <header> – Defines […]