So I decided to release some of the art work I created for the level select screen for my latest game Tiny Bombs Boom./a> Feel free to use them in your own products or for placeholder. All of these items were created with DrawPlus, if you want the original files then let me know.
Colour Cycle Effect Unity Shader
Just added a new colour cycle effect transparent Unity shader to the free shaders collection. This shader can be used to overlay a y-axis colour cycle effect over a texture The code for the shader is shown below: [sourcecode language=”js”] Shader "Unlit/ColourCycleTexture" { Properties { _MainTex("Color (RGB) Alpha (A)", 2D) = "white" {} _WaveSpeed ("WaveSpeed", […]
Wavy Text Unity Shader
Just added a new wavy transparent shader to the free shaders collection. This shade can be used to apply x and y axis waves to textures which looks nice on bitmapped based text, e.g.: The code for the shader is shown below: [sourcecode language=”js”] Shader "Unlit/WaveTransTexture" { Properties { _MainTex("Color (RGB) Alpha (A)", 2D) = […]
Creating a Unity leaderboard using node.js and redis
I’ve recently added a new node.js based leaderboard system for Unity to Github. I’m going to use something like this in my next game which will feature global leaderboards as a major focus of the game.You can grab the code from Github. Let start by taking a look at what the repo contains: Node.js Server […]
Installing Redis to Windows / Linux
I recently began adding support for a global leaderboard system to my latest Unity game and decided that instead of the huge overhead related to going the RDBMS SQL route that i would have a crack at implementing back-end storage using a NoSQL database instead, which whilst much faster than traditional RDBMS is much more […]
Getting Unity 3D and node.js talking
I’m working on a Unity 3D game at the moment that needs a global leaderboard system that works across platform and not tied into the likes of Google Play or Game Centre. After taking a look at various technologies including my old favourite .NET (specifically thew newish .NET Core) I decided to use node.js because […]
2D water shader in Unity 3D
I recently found the need to spruce up the water in a new 2D game that I am working on, so I decided to have a play around with Unity shaders again. Here’s the code to the shader: [sourcecode language=”js”] Shader "Unlit/WaterTexture" { Properties { _MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {} _ScrollX ("X Scroll Speed", […]
Cartoon Artwork
I got to the point developing hobby games where I was fed up of using programmer art work so I decided to learn how to create a little art work, so I got a hold of a copy of DrawPlus (vector art work software) and started to learn how to draw various things using vectors,. […]
Installing and running Node.js on a VPS
Introduction I recently had the requirement to implement a global none app store specific leaderboard system that can track scores and players for a mobile game that I am developing in Unity3D. After much investigation node.js seems to be the technology to use to create a server to handle it. I want it to be […]