Booty5 HTML5 Game Maker 1.9.2b out now – Web Audio API Support Added

Support for the Web Audio API has been added offering better control over audio playback. Using it is s simple case of ticking support for it in the projects properties (on by default). Full list of changes include: Game Editor v1.9.2b: Added new use web audio export option to project settings Added new auto play […]

Booty5 HTML5 Game Maker 1.9.1b Available – Text preview and collision flags

Booty5 the HTML5 Game Maker v1.9.1b is now available for free download. Editor Changes: Scale and angle are now affected in multiple actor selections Editor export properties now supports smoothing property that will enable / disable anti-aliasing during rendering Added support for rounding pixels to actors, if disabled then pixel coordinates will be rounded to […]

Free Booty5 HTML5 Game Maker Manual e-book now available

The first version of the Booty5 HTML5 Game Maker Manual e-book is now available for free download. Find out more on the Booty5 free e-book page.

Booty5 v1.8.9b now available – Code restructure and Actions Lists

Booty5 1.8.9b out NOW Booty5 1.8.9b represents a big shift towards making the Booty5 JavaScript engine more modern, a number of major changes have taken place to the engine including: Code restructured All classes moved into the b5 namespace TheApp class renamed to App replaced with Added new property to App called canvas_fill_window […]

Goji game editor for Marmalade 1.7.2b now available

Latest version of the free Marmalade compatible game IDE the Goji Editor is now available for free download Changes include: Added New Project dialog with support for creating wireframe projects Update to AppEasy Core to work with Marmalade SDK v7.4 Fixed export of extra app.icf settings Fixed missing app_id for Facebook extension when deploying device […]

Free Games Bandit – FREE amazing new app discovery service for users and developers

I’m quite excited to announce a new free mobile games and apps discovery service called Free Games Bandit. Free Games Bandit was invented to serve two purposes: App discovery from the users point of view First and foremost, as an avid mobile app user and gamer I have a MASSIVE gripe with app stores such […]

Getting your app featured on Google Play – What to do and not to do

Looking at my recent app sales / downloads and feeling quite disappointed I sat wondering why none of my apps have yet been featured on Google Play. I searched around and around and finally found something that could explain why. A recent-ish (2012 to be exact) talk by Dan Galpin and Ian Lewis at the […]

Marmalade SDK 7.3.1 is out now, Fortumo, FBX exporter and other cool additions

Yep that’s right, Marmalade 7.3.1 is smoking hot and fresh off the press. In case you have been developing games in a cave somewhere with no internet connection the Marmalade SDK is an awesome piece of technology that enables you to create games that run across many different mobile and desktop platforms with “one single […]

Marmalade SDK now offering FREE License!

Yes you did read that right! The Marmalade SDK can be freely downloaded and used in all its flavours including: C++ – Create native games and apps in blazing pedal to the metal C++ Juice – Easily port existing Objective-C based iOS games and apps to Android Quick – Create games and apps rapidly using […]

iOS developers, Marmalade Juice is here!

The clever bunnies over at Marmalade Technologies have today released an awesome new piece of open source technology called Marmalade Juice that I have no doubt many iOS developers will be thrilled to hear about. Catchy name aside, what is this Marmalade Juice technology all about and what can it do for iOS developers? Lets […]