Well its been an interesting day to say that its a Sunday, some good news and some bad new . The good news is that I managed to sneak some time in today to add a few updates to IwGame. The bad news is that some robbing (insert lots of non-religious type words here) has skimmed my […]
Marmalade SDK Tutorial – Downloading and Using an Image from a Web Based Image File
This tutorial is part of the Marmalade SDK tutorials collection. To see the tutorials index click here Unfortunately my brother rang me last night and asked me to have a few quick battles with him on World of Warcraft (I just can’t resist PvP) so as it happens, I forgot all about the time and missed […]
Marmalade SDK Tutorial – Sending and Retrieving Data From the Web
This tutorial is part of the Marmalade SDK tutorials collection. To see the tutorials index click here In our previous tutorial we tidied up the IwGame engine and properly separated our engine calls away from our game code. We ended up with a nice system that allows us to begin building a game. This week we […]
Marmalade SDK Tutorial – Turning IwGame into a Real Game Engine
This tutorial is part of the Marmalade SDK tutorials collection. To see the tutorials index click here In our previous tutorial we created created an actor, scene and camera system to automate the handling of game objects for us as well as allow us to create different types of actors derived from a common actor […]
Marmalade SDK Tutorial – Actors, Scenes and Cameras Make the World Go Round
This tutorial is part of the Marmalade SDK tutorials collection. To see the tutorials index click here In our previous tutorial we created an extensible animation system that allowed us to create discrete frame based image animation as well as other types of animations. This week we will continue on our quest to create an […]
Marmalade SDK Tutorial – Creating an Extensible Animation System
This tutorial is part of the Marmalade SDK tutorials collection. To see the tutorials index click here Had flu all week and now I’ve been afflicted with a chest infection so it’s been a pretty miserable week. At least the news of our game BattleBallz Chaos being shown at the Blackberry Devcon 2011 lifted the old […]
Marmalade SDK News – Tim Closs on why the Marmalade SDK is so good
Interview with Tim Closs the CTO of the cross platform smart phone and tablet SDK, Marmalade SDK at Blackberry Devcon 2011 conference. Tim mentions how the Marmalade SDK is a good choice for bringing premium content to a variety of platforms (iOS, Android, Bada, Playbook, Symbian, LG TV and more) using the same code base […]
BattleBallz Chaos by Pocketeers Limited Shown on Blackberry Playbook Gaming Ad
One of our games “BattleBallz Chaos” for Blackberry Playbook has been shown on Blackberry’s Playbook gaming ad! Well, not bad to say it only took us four hours (yes, you did read that right), 4 hours to convert the game using the amazing Marmalade SDK. We we’re also the first native Marmalade SDK app to […]
Pocketeers Limited’s BattleBallz Chaos featured on stage at Blackberry Devcon 2011
Well, I’m pleased as punch today, our game and in association with the Marmalade SDK, BattleBallz Chaos got featured on stage (on the big screen – man I seriously want one of those big babies!) by the posh smart men in suits 🙂 Here’s the proof: Oh yeah that’s right, come on, give me an “Oh yeah […]
Marmalade SDK Bitesize Tutorial – How to force a CIw2DImage texture to upload
Welcome to another bite size Marmalade SDK tutorial. I’ve seen this question pop up a few times in the Marmalade SDk forums so I thought that I would cover it here as a bite size tutorial. You are using the Iw2D module to render handle 2D images, but you need to force the images to […]