Welcome to the web wrapper to wrap them all! Hey fellow game developers. I’ve spent the best part of this last year researching, analysing and developing games for the Facebook Instant Games platform. Whilst it has been incredibly fun it has not been profitable, in fact I have lost a lot of money. Even so […]
Facebook Instant Games Category Analysis September 2018
I did an analysis of Facebook Instant Games categories nearly two months ago, lets take a look at the numbers to see where we are at today. Action – 666 games (44780600 total MAU – average per game is 67238) Puzzle – 1146 games (43072900 total MAU – average per game is 37585) Sports – […]
Booty5 HTML5 Game Maker Update – Support for Facebook Instant Games Added
Facebook Instant Games Support Finally released the latest version of Booty with support for Facebook Instant Games. Within the Booty5 engine you will find a new class called Instants which is a small wrapper around the Facebook Instants SDK. Games exported from Booty with Instants enabled in the settings will automatically initialise the Facebook Instants […]
Simple Web Audio Wrapper
Seen this question asked numerous times, how to set up and use the Web Audio API, so I ripped some code out of my engine Booty5 and slimmed it down a bit and here it is, I have also pushed it to Github here. [sourcecode language=”js”] /** * A Sound represents a sound effect object […]
Simple Messaging System with Redis and Node.js
Hey all, been a while since I posted anything constructive, I’ve been so busy wasting my time creating games for Facebook Instant Games Messenger (I will do a proper write up with my analysis and final findings / thoughts on this very soon). Not all has been lost working on Instant Games however. Two of […]
Lets Bounce Endless Bouncing Facebook Instants Game
Finally released the revamp of Friend Falls, this game centres purely around multiplayer, no single player functionality is available. I’m trying to test if multiplayer only games fair better than single or mixture of single / multiplayer game play. In this game you play a ball called Ball (yes imaginative I know) that is forever […]
Multi-game Facebook Instant Games Bot (free code)
So, I decided to post the code to my Facebook Instant Games Bot to save other devs a lot of research and time. The bot is written using node.js, you will need to set up a hosting service that will run your bot. I chose Digital Ocean to host mine because Droplets are super simple […]
Facebook Instant Games Category Breakdowns
I track all things Facebook Instant Games related, its a new little obsession of mine. I went ahead and calculated how many games are in each genre out of the current crop of just under 3000 available games. Below is a list of Facebook game genres along with how many games are in each: Action […]
Introduction to Facebook Instant Game Development
Introduction to Facebook Instant Game Development This is the first part of my tutorial series that covers Facebook Instant Game Development. Over the coming months I will be covering all areas of the IG SDK, providing information, examples and hopefully working code :). I will also be throwing in some back-end tutorials, showing how to […]
Facebook Messenger Instant Games Charts
I’ve been tracking the positions and MAU of Facebook Messenger Instant Games for a while now. I track them for many reasons include: Get an overall picture of where all IG games are at Get an overall picture of how IG itself is performing Analyse which games are rising / falling Guess at how much […]