The latest and greatest version of the Marmalade SDK is now available here Highlights C++11 support now available. Apple Pencil pressure reading is now supported on iPad Pro in addition to existing 3D Touch support. Slide Over and Split View multitasking now available to Marmalade apps on supported iPad models. Compression of assets in APKs […]
Marmalade SDK 8.2 is out now
The latest and greatest version of the Marmalade SDK is now available here. Highlights IncrediBuild support for ARM architecture Improved video support for Windows Desktop Updated version of ZeroBrane Studio for Quick Multidex support for Android A full list of changes is available here. Developing games for mobile and desktop? Then why not go cross […]
New to the Marmalade SDK?
So you downloaded the Marmalade SDK, but you haven’t quite got around to using it yet. Maybe you plan on developing full on native speed games? Maybe you want to develop apps that run across a large number of platforms? Or you just want to avoid XCode and Mac to develop iPhone and iPad games. […]
Marmalade SDK 7.3.1 is out now, Fortumo, FBX exporter and other cool additions
Yep that’s right, Marmalade 7.3.1 is smoking hot and fresh off the press. In case you have been developing games in a cave somewhere with no internet connection the Marmalade SDK is an awesome piece of technology that enables you to create games that run across many different mobile and desktop platforms with “one single […]
Marmalade SDK now offering FREE License!
Yes you did read that right! The Marmalade SDK can be freely downloaded and used in all its flavours including: C++ – Create native games and apps in blazing pedal to the metal C++ Juice – Easily port existing Objective-C based iOS games and apps to Android Quick – Create games and apps rapidly using […]
iOS developers, Marmalade Juice is here!
The clever bunnies over at Marmalade Technologies have today released an awesome new piece of open source technology called Marmalade Juice that I have no doubt many iOS developers will be thrilled to hear about. Catchy name aside, what is this Marmalade Juice technology all about and what can it do for iOS developers? Lets […]