IwGame – We Need Your Feedback

Hi Everyone, The IwGame Engine has been in development for around 6 months now and although we’ve received lots of feedback regarding bug reports and feature requests we would like to know your opinions on the current state of the engine. Here are a few questions to consider: Is IwGame difficult to use, if so […]

IwGame Engine Tutorial – Actors

CIwGameActor Object – Sprites With Brains Introduction Whilst our title comparison suggests that actors are simply sprites with brains they have the potential to be much more. Going back to comparison in the scene introduction section, actors play a pivotal role in our scenes, each actor having its own unique role and visual appearance. Actors […]

IwGame Engine Tutorial – Basic introduction

What is the IwGame Engine? Welcome to the home of IwGame, the free open source cross platform mobile 2D game engine for smart phones, tablets and emerging technologies developed by Pocketeers Limited. IwGame is designed and written on top of the Marmalade SDK the ultimate  cross platform SDK for smart phones tablets and emerging technologies. In […]

IwGame Engine Tutorial – Installation

New here? What’s IwGame? IwGame is an open source free to use cross platform game engine for iPhone, iPad, Android, Bada, Playbook, Symbian, Windows Mobile, LG-TV, Windows and Mac, built on top of the Marmalade SDK. Firstly, download the latest version of the IwGame SDK from http://www.drmop.com/index.php/iwgame-engine/ If you haven’t already installed the Marmalade SDK then grab […]

IwGame Engine v0.33 Released – Unified Android and iOS in-app purchasing

New here? What’s IwGame? IwGame is an open source free to use cross platform game engine for iPhone, iPad, Android, Bada, Playbook, Symbian, Windows Mobile, LG-TV, Windows and Mac, built on top of the Marmalade SDK. You can find out more and download the SDK from our IwGame Engine page. I can tell you one thing, testing in-app […]

IwGame Engine v0.32 Released – Data Bindings and Conditional Variables

New here? What’s IwGame? IwGame is an open source free to use cross platform game engine for iPhone, iPad, Android, Bada, Playbook, Symbian, Windows Mobile, LG-TV, Windows and Mac, built on top of the Marmalade SDK. You can find out more and download the SDK from our IwGame Engine page. A lot of bugs (mostly minor) have […]

XOML Conditions – New IwGame Feature Coming Soon

Thought I would put a quick update outlining what’s happening with the IwGame Engine. In-app purchasing has been started, so hopefully that will make it into 0.32. We are looking at a way of combining iOS and Android in-app purchasing into the same system (CIwGameMarket). Will provide more details when the system is up and […]

IwGame Engine v0.31 Released – Facebook and Full cOnnecticOns Source Available

New here? What’s IwGame? IwGame is an open source free to use cross platform game engine for iPhone, iPad, Android, Bada, Playbook, Symbian, Windows Mobile, LG-TV, Windows and Mac, built on top of the Marmalade SDK. You can find out more and download the SDK from our IwGame Engine page. Its been a tough week, my Apple […]

cOnnecticOns is now available on the Android Market!

Hey everyone, some good news. We finally got the first version of the first IwGame Engine game  cOnnecticOns up on the Android Market at https://market.android.com/details?id=com.pocketeers.connecticons. Playbook, Bada and iOS builds will be available within the next few weeks. And the even better news is that we are on schedule for releasing the full source this […]

IwGame Engine v0.3 Released – The 36 hour game

New here? What’s IwGame? IwGame is an open source free to use cross platform game engine for iPhone, iPad, Android, Bada, Playbook, Symbian, Windows Mobile, LG-TV, Windows and Mac, built on top of the Marmalade SDK. You can find out more and download the SDK from our IwGame Engine page. Well, Dan said a few weeks ago […]