Engine Changes: Added new property to Actor called merge_cache which when set to true will attempt to merge the actors rendering into a suitable parents cache. Note that once an actor has been merged into its parent its visual properties cannot be modified Add new property to TheApp called focus_scene2 which sets a 2nd scene […]
Goji Game Maker for Marmalade v1.8.5b out now
As a small Christmas gift I have decided to port some neat Booty5 changes over to the AppEasy Core and Goji Editor. I’ve listed the changes to 1.8.5b below: Added new “clone to all scenes” menu action which will clone an Icon / Label to all scenes Added new “delete from all scenes” menu action […]
Booty5 v1.8.5b out now – Cached rendering and Marmalade SDK Audio Support
Well the proof is in the eating and not the making. I’ve spent some time putting together a small game using Booty5 called Leapo that I will eventually distribute as an example of how to use Booty5. Whilst developing this game I have come across various issues or missing features, hence this update. Booty5 game […]
Booty5 v1.8.4b the free HTML5 game maker out now, support for the Marmalade SDK added
I realise that two updates inside of a week is a bit much but I wanted to get this update out quickly because I have changed the way gradients are used by game objects substantially, I’ve also added project generation for the Marmalade SDK using Web Marmalade. Web Marmalade is a system that enables you […]
Booty5 the free HTML5 game maker 1.8.3b is out now
Booty5 is a free HTML5 game maker, for more information visit the Booty web site Been very busy since the last update extending the features of Booty5 to bring more HTML5 specific features into the editor. The editor changes for this release include: Added mouse wheel joint type to list of joint types Added new […]
.NET open sourced!!!!
Not many things in the software development field surprise me these days, in fact the only things that have seriously surprised me in recent years are a) how good the Marmalade SDK is and b) how HTML5 is not really my enemy. However Microsoft open sourcing .NET has hit me like a truck full of […]
Booty5 HTML5 Game Maker v1.8.2 out now
Much hammering and tightening has been under way of late, Santa and his helpers have nothing on how many hours have been put into getting 1.8.2b ready for release! 🙂 Ok, enough about Santa, version 1.8.2b of Booty5 the Game Maker for HTML5 developers is now available for download. Changes for this release include: Added […]
Marmalade SDK 7.4.2 is out now
Latest release of the Marmalade SDK (7.4.2) is now available for download. Latest changes include: Support for iOS 8 frameworks Support for iOS 8 interactive notifications Initial support for Android Lollipop and 64-bit device compatibility Updated FreeType library to version 2.5.3, with preliminary SDK support for OTF fonts
Booty5 HTML5 game maker now available for free download
Its taken many months of pain staking development and quite possibly a mountain of coffee but it is finally here. Booty5 the 2D HTML5 game editor and engine (a game maker) is now available for download Booty5 enables you to produce HTML5 based games and apps for mobile and desktop using a WYSIWYG game editor.
Rubicon make all iPhone / iPad games free this weekend
Rubicon the makers of popular games such as Great Little War game are making all of their iOS back catalogue of games free this coming weekend. Why? Well read their latest article to find out