IwGame UI Progress Update

Got a quick update showing how the IwGame engines UI system is shaping up. Note that the UI system is “bitmap” based and IwGame does not draw things like buttons, grids etc.. manually. Here’s a quick screen shot at iPad resolution showing some basic UI: This is just a static image however, so you cannot […]

IwGame Engine Update – XML Schema for XOML Now Available

Ok, so we’ve heard back from a few of you and its apparent that XOML can be a little difficult to work with especially as it had no intellisense to help create well formed XOML. In the interests of making XOML much easier to write we have created an XML Schema that you can use […]

IwGame Engine v0.34 Released – Modifiers, Box2D Joints and Marmalade 6.0 fix

New here? What’s IwGame? IwGame is an open source free to use cross platform game engine for iPhone, iPad, Android, Bada, Playbook, Symbian, Windows Mobile, LG-TV, Windows and Mac, built on top of the Marmalade SDK. You can find out more and download the SDK from our IwGame Engine page. Well this release is a […]

IwGame Engine Tutorial – Scenes

CIwGameScene Object – A Place for Actors to Play Introduction Its easier to think about game development if we think in terms of the movie business, we all watch movies and programmes on the TV which makes it easy to relate to. A movie usually consists of a number of scenes that contains the environment, […]

IwGame Engine Tutorial – The Game

CIwGame Object – The Eye in the Sky Introduction CIwGame is basically the kind of eye-in-the-sky controller of the game engine and can be thought of as the main loop of the game engine. CIwGame takes care of many things including: Initialisation, processing and clean-up of many systems including graphics, input, resource manager and audio […]

IwGame Engine v0.31 Released – Facebook and Full cOnnecticOns Source Available

New here? What’s IwGame? IwGame is an open source free to use cross platform game engine for iPhone, iPad, Android, Bada, Playbook, Symbian, Windows Mobile, LG-TV, Windows and Mac, built on top of the Marmalade SDK. You can find out more and download the SDK from our IwGame Engine page. Its been a tough week, my Apple […]

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone, I hope all you nice, well behaved developers were left something nice from Santa!? Santa left me an HTML 5 game development book, so who knows, you may see some HTML 5 related tutorials appearing on drmop.com soon. Who knows, an HTML 5 version of IwGame may appear one day. 2011 has […]

IwGame Engine v0.26 Released – Supports 12 Ad Providers, Accelerometer and Compass

Well me, Santa and the elves have been very busy bees this week and between us we managed to hammer out another update to the IwGame Engine before Christmas (Thanks Santa, couldn’t have done it without those delicious mince pies!) Here are the latest changeds for IwGame v0.26: Bug fix – Actor crash bug when […]

IwGame Engine Update – v0.230

Well its been an interesting day to say that its a Sunday, some good news and some bad new . The good news is that I managed to sneak some time in today to add a few updates to IwGame. The bad news is that some robbing (insert lots of non-religious type words here) has skimmed my […]

Marmalade SDK Tutorial – Downloading and Using an Image from a Web Based Image File

This tutorial is part of the Marmalade SDK tutorials collection. To see the tutorials index click here Unfortunately my brother rang me last night and asked me to have a few quick battles with him on World of Warcraft (I just can’t resist PvP) so as it happens, I forgot all about the time and missed […]