cOnnecticOns for iOS now FREE!

Hey everyone, we decided to make cOnnecticOns FREE for a few days to increase its visibility and hence visibility of the IwGame Engine. If you haven’t already downloaded it then please take a look at Please consider leaving us a nice review, it only takes 2 mins!

cOnnecticOns Now Available for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Great news. cOnnecticOns is now available on the Apple iTunes app store. Woohoo, passed fist time! It’s available for almost a kings ransom ($0.99 in earth money). For those of you that are as bad off as me, here are a few promot codes so you can grab a FREE copy: 3KYAR49RTMMM LLHREAPKT6W3 FKA3R6L6PJPF J6AN4AWK3T9F […]

Hello Marmalade – Introduction to the Marmalade SDK – The ultimate cross platform SDK for smart phones and tablets

This tutorial is part of the Marmalade SDK tutorials collection. To see the tutorials index click here So you are a smart phone, tablet, smart TV or desktop developer (or at least want to be) and you want to have your next hit game or app run across a huge range of smart phones and tablets. […]