IwGame Engine / AppEasy Core forum has been moved to http://www.appeasymobile.com/forum/iwgame-engine-appeasy-core. The drmop.com forum has now been closed down. Note that the new forum has more features, is easier to read and use.
Tic Tank Toe Now Available
New made with IwGame Engine game available for iOS called Tic Tank Toe. Here’s the details: Play the brand new TicTankToe on your smartphone! Tired of silly games? This game will challenge you! TicTankToe is the best TicTacToe game of all-time. This game supports one player and two player gameplay, so you can play against […]
New IwGame Engine Game – CandyMare
Hey everyone, Developer Noisy Ninja has just released their new FREE awesome IwGame Engine powered game CandyMare for Android on Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.noisyninja.candymare Heres some info about CandyMare: Joey had too many candies and is having nightmares, guide him through insane puzzles with ghosts and monsters blocking his way to the candy factory. • Optional ad removal […]
IwGame – How to mix raw Open GL with IwGame Scenes
A fellow developer recently had the need to mix raw Open GL with IwGame scenes so I decided to take a look into the matter. The problem with mixing the Marmalade SDK’s graphics sub systems IwGx and Iw2D with raw Openm GL is two fold: Marmalade’s IwGxClear() / Iw2DSurfaceClear() functions seem to do something internally […]
New IwGame App – Dart ScoreKeeper
Marmar Apps have just released their new made with IwGame app Dart ScoreKeeper for the Android on Google Play. Here’s some info about this cool new app: Have you ever played a game of darts and thought: is there no easy way to keep score of the game on a mobile device like a phone […]
IwGame Engine Update – XML Schema for XOML Now Available
Ok, so we’ve heard back from a few of you and its apparent that XOML can be a little difficult to work with especially as it had no intellisense to help create well formed XOML. In the interests of making XOML much easier to write we have created an XML Schema that you can use […]
IwGame – We Need Your Feedback
Hi Everyone, The IwGame Engine has been in development for around 6 months now and although we’ve received lots of feedback regarding bug reports and feature requests we would like to know your opinions on the current state of the engine. Here are a few questions to consider: Is IwGame difficult to use, if so […]
cOnnecticOns for iOS now FREE!
Hey everyone, we decided to make cOnnecticOns FREE for a few days to increase its visibility and hence visibility of the IwGame Engine. If you haven’t already downloaded it then please take a look at http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/connecticons/id505645452?mt=8 Please consider leaving us a nice review, it only takes 2 mins!
IwGame has a forum!
Finally got a bit of spare time to mess with the blog and install a support for the IwGame Engine and IwGameAds. Feel free to drop by and leave any suggestions, bugs or just chat about what you are working on etc.. Our new support forum is here. You will also notice the forum topics […]
IwGame Engine v0.31 Released – Facebook and Full cOnnecticOns Source Available
New here? What’s IwGame? IwGame is an open source free to use cross platform game engine for iPhone, iPad, Android, Bada, Playbook, Symbian, Windows Mobile, LG-TV, Windows and Mac, built on top of the Marmalade SDK. You can find out more and download the SDK from our IwGame Engine page. Its been a tough week, my Apple […]