Hey everyone, Developer Noisy Ninja has just released their new FREE awesome IwGame Engine powered game CandyMare for Android on Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.noisyninja.candymare Heres some info about CandyMare: Joey had too many candies and is having nightmares, guide him through insane puzzles with ghosts and monsters blocking his way to the candy factory. • Optional ad removal […]
cOnnecticOns Now Available for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
Great news. cOnnecticOns is now available on the Apple iTunes app store. Woohoo, passed fist time! It’s available for almost a kings ransom ($0.99 in earth money). For those of you that are as bad off as me, here are a few promot codes so you can grab a FREE copy: 3KYAR49RTMMM LLHREAPKT6W3 FKA3R6L6PJPF J6AN4AWK3T9F […]