Booty5 is a free HTML5 game maker, for more information visit the Booty web site
Been very busy since the last update extending the features of Booty5 to bring more HTML5 specific features into the editor. The editor changes for this release include:
- Added mouse wheel joint type to list of joint types
- Added new property called ExportName to Scene, this changes the name of the scene, but not its exported file name
- Added support for corner radius to rects enabling rounded rects
- Added support for none filled polygons, arcs, rects and labels
- Added support for stroke colour and thickness
- Layers are now exported and used by engine
- Added support for shadows to all actor types
- Added support for composite operations
- Added support for Scene OnKeyPress, OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events
- Added new gradient brush type and gradient editor
- Actors can now render gradient brushes at any angle
Engine changes:
- Added support for wheel joint
- Added panning property to Scene to determine when the scene is being touch panned
- Box2D begin and end contact callbacks now call both objects that were affected
- Added corner_radius property to rectActor to render rounded rects
- Added support for stroke colour and thickness to rect, arc, polygon and label actors
- Added support for scene and actor layer ordering. Set layer via _layer property and not layer variable to ensure that re-sorting takes place
- Added new shadow properties all actor types (shadow, shadow_x, shadow_y, shadow_colour, shadow_blur)
- Added support for composite operations to actors
- Added support for Scene onKeyPress, onKeyDown and onKeyUp events
- Added new Gradient class that handles gradient brushes
- Rect, Arc and Polygon actors can now render gradient brushes at any angle, angle is specified by new grad_rotation property
- Added new demos keys, mouse joint, bitmap animation, shapes and gradients
The idea is with this last crop of changes is to bring in more HTML5 and SVG style specific features such as support for keys, gradient brushes, rounded rects, shadows amd so on. Here are a couple of screen shots showing some of the new features: