IwGame Engine Tutorial – Actors

CIwGameActor Object – Sprites With Brains Introduction Whilst our title comparison suggests that actors are simply sprites with brains they have the potential to be much more. Going back to comparison in the scene introduction section, actors play a pivotal role in our scenes, each actor having its own unique role and visual appearance. Actors […]

IwGame Engine Tutorial – Scenes

CIwGameScene Object – A Place for Actors to Play Introduction Its easier to think about game development if we think in terms of the movie business, we all watch movies and programmes on the TV which makes it easy to relate to. A movie usually consists of a number of scenes that contains the environment, […]

IwGame Engine Tutorial – The Game

CIwGame Object – The Eye in the Sky Introduction CIwGame is basically the kind of eye-in-the-sky controller of the game engine and can be thought of as the main loop of the game engine. CIwGame takes care of many things including: Initialisation, processing and clean-up of many systems including graphics, input, resource manager and audio […]

IwGame Engine Tutorial – Basic introduction

What is the IwGame Engine? Welcome to the home of IwGame, the free open source cross platform mobile 2D game engine for smart phones, tablets and emerging technologies developed by Pocketeers Limited. IwGame is designed and written on top of the Marmalade SDK the ultimate  cross platform SDK for smart phones tablets and emerging technologies. In […]

IwGame Engine Tutorial – Installation

New here? What’s IwGame? IwGame is an open source free to use cross platform game engine for iPhone, iPad, Android, Bada, Playbook, Symbian, Windows Mobile, LG-TV, Windows and Mac, built on top of the Marmalade SDK. Firstly, download the latest version of the IwGame SDK from http://www.drmop.com/index.php/iwgame-engine/ If you haven’t already installed the Marmalade SDK then grab […]