Marmalade SDK Tutorial – Integrating LUA Script Language

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Its been a while since I wrote a Marmalade SDk tutorial and to be honest I’ve been itching for the chance to start them back up, so I freed up a little time today to bring you this new tutorial.

Ok, decided that it was high time that IwGame had a proper scripting language, so took a look around various scripting languages including LUA, Javascript and AngelScript. Whilst we like them all and would like to integrate them all at some point, our first choice is LUA.

And as I am a complete LUA noob I decided to write a short tutorial showing how to integrate LUA so a) everyone can see how “not so difficult” (had to avoid the word easy, because that would be wrong) it is to integrate LUA and b) so I don’t forget how to do it myself in the future

I have created a small Marmalade app called lua_test that demonstrates the following:

  • Execute a string containing lua commands
  • Load and execute a lua file from C
  • Load and execute a specific function in a lua file from C
  • Load a lua file that executes a C function

With these basics you should be able to integrate LUA into your own project quite easily.

I’m not going to pretend that I am now a LUA expert after spending but a few hours learning how to integrate it, but I know a few things now to be confident to write this tutorial.

Setting up the MKB to support LUA

The first thing you need to do is edit your projects MKB file and the following sections:



LUA is not distributed with Marmalade, instead it is downloaded from the code repository when you run your MKB file. When you open up your MKB file you will notice a new lua filter has been added

Note that the version of LUA that is supported by the Marmalade SDK is currently 5.1.4

LUA header files

In order to access LUA you need to include the headers. However as we are including C headers into a C++ app we need to let the compiler know. With that in mind we add the headers as follows:

[sourcecode language=”cpp”]
// LUA headers
extern "C"
#include "lua.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "lualib.h"

LUA State

LUA holds no global variables so the interpreters current state has to be stored somewhere where it can be accessed from your code. In our simple examples, we create the LUA state using lua_open() which returns a pointer to the state then close it when we have finished using lua_close(). Ideally you would want to manage this pointer to the LUA state, depending on the scope and lifetime of LUA scripts in your app. All of our examples start and end with:

[sourcecode language=”cpp”]
// Open LUA
lua_State *lua = lua_open();

// Add LUA libraries (standard libraries are libraries of code that provide some basic functionality such as print)
luaL_openlibs(lua); // See

// Do something with LUA

// Shut down the lua state
lua_close(lua); // See

LUA Stack

LUA passes information between C and LAU code via a stack. To pass information to a LUA function from C you push the name of the function that you wish to call onto the stack followed by any parameters that you wish to pass. When the LUA function returns it returns any return values (LUA can return multiple values) or an error on the stack. Similarly when calling a C function from LUA, LUA pushes the parameters onto the stack then calls the C function. The C function examines the parameters on the stack (C does not remove them, LUA removes them when it returns) and utilises the data passed from LUA, carries out some logic and returns.

More info on the LUA stack can be found at

Calling a string containing LUA from C

Here’s some example code showing how to execute a piece of LUA contained within a string:

[sourcecode language=”cpp”]
void CallLuaString(const char* string)
s3eDebugOutputString("==== Calling a LUA string");

// Open LUA
lua_State *lua = lua_open();

// Add LUA libraries
luaL_openlibs(lua); // See

// Pass the string to lua to execute
if (luaL_loadbuffer(lua, string, strlen(string), "line") == 0) // See
if (lua_pcall(lua, 0, 0, 0) != 0)
// Output the error
s3eDebugOutputString(lua_tostring(lua, -1));

// Pop error message off the stack
lua_pop(lua, 1); // see

// Shut down the lua state
lua_close(lua); // See

In this example, we open LUA then ad the standard LUA libraries. We then load the supplied string as a LUA chunk using luaL_loadbuffer() then call it using lua_pcall(). If an error occurs then we display the error and pop it off the stack

Calling a LUA file from C

Our next example looks at how to call a LUA file from C, lets take a look at the code:

[sourcecode language=”cpp”]
void CallLuaFile(const char* lua_filename)
s3eDebugOutputString("==== Calling a LUA file");

// Open LUA
lua_State *lua = lua_open();

// Add LUA libraries
luaL_openlibs(lua); // See

// Load our test LUA file
if (luaL_loadfile(lua, lua_filename) == 0) // See
if (lua_pcall(lua, 0, 0, 0) != 0) // See
// Output the error
s3eDebugOutputString(lua_tostring(lua, -1));

// Pop error message off the stack
lua_pop(lua, 1); // see

// Shut down the lua state
lua_close(lua); // See

We begin this example much like we did our previous example, but instead of load_buffer() we call luaL_loadfile(), which basically does the same thing except it loads the data from a file.

Calling a LUA function from C

This example gets a little more complicated as we need to begin dealing with pushing data onto the LUA stack. Lets take a look at the code:

[sourcecode language=”cpp”]
void CallLuaFunctionInFile(const char* lua_filename, const char* function_name, double arg0, double arg1)
s3eDebugOutputString("==== Calling a LUA function from C");

// Open LUA
lua_State *lua = lua_open();

// Add LUA libraries
luaL_openlibs(lua); // See

// Load our test LUA file
if (luaL_loadfile(lua, lua_filename) == 0) // See
// Init the loaded lua file
if (lua_pcall(lua, 0, 0, 0) == 0) // See
// Push the name of the function that we want to call onto the stack
// NB: LUA uses a stack to pass information back and forth between LUA and C (see
lua_getglobal(lua, function_name); // Push function name that we want to call ontothe stack (see
lua_pushnumber(lua, arg0); // Push function call argument 1
lua_pushnumber(lua, arg1); // Push function call argument 2

if (lua_pcall(lua, 2, 1, 0) != 0) // See
s3eDebugOutputString(lua_tostring(lua, -1));
if (!lua_isnumber(lua, -1)) //
s3eDebugOutputString("Function muust return a value");
// Get th result returned from the LUA function
double result = lua_tonumber(lua, -1);
lua_pop(lua, 1); // see

// Shut down the lua state
lua_close(lua); // See

Much of the code remains the same as the previous example, where we initialise LUA, load a LUA file and execute it. The difference is that we now push an actual function name and a number of parameters onto the stack using lua_getglobal() and lua_pushnumber(). We then make another call to LUA which executes the LUA function that we just stacked, e then check the return value and if itis not a number we display an error otherwise we pop the returned number off the stack and store it locally.

Calling a C function from LUA

Things get a little more complicated when you find that you need to call C functions from LUA. The first thing that we need to do is let LUA know that our C function is available to be called as well as define a protocol for how it should be called from LUA. Lets take a look at an example:

[sourcecode language=”cpp”]
static int test_function(lua_State *lua)
double d = 0;
// Get the argument that was passed from lua
if (lua_isnumber(lua, 1))
d = lua_tonumber(lua, 1);
s3eDebugOutputString("test_function can only accept a number");

// Square it
d = d * d;

// Push the result back onto the stack as a return value
lua_pushnumber(lua, d);

// Return the number of result arguments that were passed back to lua
return 1;

void CallCFunctionFromLua()
s3eDebugOutputString("==== Calling a C function from LUA");

// Open LUA
lua_State *lua = lua_open();

// Add LUA libraries
luaL_openlibs(lua); // See

// Push the test function
lua_pushcfunction(lua, test_function); // See

// Set the global test_function to the pushed C function
lua_setglobal(lua, "test_function"); // See

// Load our test LUA file
if (luaL_loadfile(lua, "lua_test3.lua") == 0) // See
if (lua_pcall(lua, 0, 0, 0) != 0) // See
// Output the error
s3eDebugOutputString(lua_tostring(lua, -1));

// Pop error message off the stack
lua_pop(lua, 1); // see

// Shut down the lua state
lua_close(lua); // See}

Firstly we create a C function called test_function() which is declared from LUA’s standard C function prototype:

static int test_function(lua_State *lua)

This function accepts a lua state which we can query for information that was passed to it by LUA (on the stack). In our example, we firstly check to see if the value on the top of the stack is a number, if not we display an error, if so then we retrieve that number. Next we modify the number then push it back onto the stack so that it can be retrieved (returned to) by the calling LUA function. Note that the value returned from our C function represents the number of arguments that we returned on the stack. Lets take a quick look at the LUA code that made the call to our C test_function in the first place:

d = test_function(12);
d = test_function("hello");    -- This will cause an error because we passed a string instead of a number

As you can see it calls test_function twice. The first time it is successful because we passed a number, the second time we passed a string which test_function() detected as an error.

Ok, lets now take a look at the code that registers our C function so that LUA can use it (see CallCFunctionFromLua() above)

Firstly we call lua_pushcfunction(lua, test_function); which places our C function onto the stack. Next we call lua_setglobal(lua, “test_function”); to assign the function an actual name that LUA script can use to call the function.

Well that’s about it. I have included the source code for the lua_test app which you can download from here

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