AppEasy 1.4.6 the cross platform app creation system is now out!

AppEasy the cross platform mobile game and app development system using XOML and Lua has received a new major update. See for more details. AppEasy is currently in FREE open beta.

AppEasy 1.4.6 is now available for download. Changes include:

* TextFilter attribute added to UI labels
* Added market.restore() to restore previous purchases
* Added market.products() which returns a table of all product ID’s in the market
* Added market.price() which returns the price of a product
* Added which returns the name of a product
* Added variable.count() which returns the actual number of used elements in the variable array
* ActorText now supports animation Text target property
* actor.bringToFront(actor) added to bring an actor to the top of its child hierarchy
* Added new load_xoml command to programs
* New system variable (index 11) which holds current screen orientation in degrees
* New Lua display,width(), display.height() and display.orientation() script functions added
* New input.setAccelerometerRef() and input.getAccelerometerOffset() functions added
* Market products no longer support an ID
* market.findbyID() has been removed
* market.products() now returns product names and not ID’s
* market.setCallback() added
* Callback removed from market.purchase()
* market.lastPurchase() has been replaced with market.currentProduct() which now returns the last attempted refunded, restored or purchased product.
* sys.yield() added
* added to force save a XOML variable
* Variables have new attribute called Instant. If set to true then the persistent variables value is saved as soon as it is changed. Marking a variable as instant will automatically mark it as persistent
* Added new change command to programs which enable you to start, stop, pause and restart a program
* Added new media.enableMusic(enable) and media.enableSound(enable) to enable / disable music and sound globally
* Added new AudioEnable action which enables / disables music and sound (P1 = music_enable, P2 = sound_enable)
* sound command 5th parameter changed from target scene to repeat (boolean)
* Current scene is no longer brought to front of scene stack when new scenes are added. This will need to be done manually, or you can use the more appropriate scene layering system
* KillAllScenes action now accepts up to 5 scenes to exclude
* Video now supports OnStopped event
* VideoOverlay now supports OnError event
* WebView now supports OnPageLoaded, OnPageLoading and OnPageError events
* CallActions parameters changed to actions-name, parent-actor-name, parent-scene-name
* PlayTimeline will now restart a stopped timeline
* More resource properties exposed to property setters / getters, animation targets and bindings
* Actor HitTest replaced with Tappable
* Added new UserProperties to scenes and actors. UserProperties allow you to add any number of custim user defined properties to actors and scenes
* New SetUserProp(PropertyName, Propertyvalue, actor, scene), AddUserProp(PropertyName, Propertyvalue, actor, scene), SetUserPropToVar(PropertyName, VariableName, actor, scene) actions added
* New set_userprop(PropertyName, Propertyvalue, actor, scene) command added to programs
* New userprops LUA library added that provides set, get, add and find user properties
* You can now change templates and the data source assigned to grids and list boxes in real time
* All time related properties now work in seconds instead of per frame (scale up by 30 to convert to new system)
* New camera lua API
* Array index variables can now be used in actions and commands (e.g. my_array:my_index)
* BUG FIX: Crash bug when adding actors to layout panel actors such as grid, stack panel, list box and wrap panel
* BUG FIX: Label Text and Font properties now returned correctly
* BUG FIX: Label with autoheight and proportional sizing set changing size when tapped
* BUG FIX: Label / text actor actor height fixed
* BUG FIX: Fixes to market
* BUG FIX: Scene panning on y-axis not stopping at extents properly

Apologies for any changes that force you to make modifications to your existing XOML / Lua but these changes are essential for moving forward.

Documentation and XOML schema has also been brought up to date with 1.4.6

Lastly, note that all of the old examples have now gone and have been replaced with a single Tests example. This to a) clean up the examples folder to make way for bigger better examples and b) enable you to see all of the features in a single app instead of having to build, deploy and test each individual example.

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