TODAY lands on Facebook Instant Games and Google Play

Finally released my latest Facebook Instant Games offering to IG and Google Play. What is TODAY? Have you heard of Nametests or OMG? Well its an app very similar to those with the exception that it does actually contain game elements. It was developed not in HTML / CSS but… Read more“TODAY lands on Facebook Instant Games and Google Play”

Streaming League of Legends on and Twitch extensions

Recently two family members have started streaming their gaming on They currently stream a game I love to play but am terrible at so prefer to watch :D. That game is League of Legends (I’m a lowly silver player, these guys are Diamond level players). if you like to… Read more“Streaming League of Legends on and Twitch extensions”

MEME arrives on Facebook Instant Games platform

So I got bored with writing games for Facebook Instant Games for a bit and decided to jump on the entertainment app (NO THEY ARE NOT GAMES :D) train that seems to be doing well on Facebook Instant Games right now. I wrote a MEME generator / creator that lets… Read more“MEME arrives on Facebook Instant Games platform”

Hello Instant Games X (IGX) SDK

Welcome to the web wrapper to wrap them all! Hey fellow game developers. I’ve spent the best part of this last year researching, analysing and developing games for the Facebook Instant Games platform. Whilst it has been incredibly fun it has not been profitable, in fact I have lost a… Read more“Hello Instant Games X (IGX) SDK”

CrazyGames launches new Developer Portal with revenue share options

Hey web game developers, just seen news regarding CrazyGames, they now have a new developer portal and offer revenue share options for your HTML5 games! Its great to see portals placing value on developers efforts like this. Note that this also includes web versions of games exported from Unity /… Read more“CrazyGames launches new Developer Portal with revenue share options”

Facebook Instant Games Category Analysis September 2018

I did an analysis of Facebook Instant Games categories nearly two months ago, lets take a look at the numbers to see where we are at today. Action – 666 games (44780600 total MAU – average per game is 67238) Puzzle – 1146 games (43072900 total MAU – average per… Read more“Facebook Instant Games Category Analysis September 2018”

Booty5 HTML5 Game Maker Update – Support for Facebook Instant Games Added

Facebook Instant Games Support Finally released the latest version of Booty with support for Facebook Instant Games. Within the Booty5 engine you will find a new class called Instants which is a small wrapper around the Facebook Instants SDK. Games exported from Booty with Instants enabled in the settings will… Read more“Booty5 HTML5 Game Maker Update – Support for Facebook Instant Games Added”

Booty5 HTML5 Game Engine Update out – Facebook Instant Games Support Added

It’s been a long long while since I put an update to Booty5 out so I thought it time. I have been playing around with Facebook Instant Games over the last few months so I added support for Facebook Instant Games to the Booty5 engine. You will find a new… Read more“Booty5 HTML5 Game Engine Update out – Facebook Instant Games Support Added”

Simple Messaging System with Redis and Node.js

Hey all, been a while since I posted anything constructive, I’ve been so busy wasting my time creating games for Facebook Instant Games Messenger (I will do a proper write up with my analysis and final findings / thoughts on this very soon). Not all has been lost working on… Read more“Simple Messaging System with Redis and Node.js”