Public Types |
enum | eCanvasFit {
} |
| Values that define how the virtual canvas is fit to the devices screen. More...
enum | eCanvasOrigin { Origin_Centre,
} |
| Values that define the placement of teh canvas origin. More...
enum | eOrientation { Orientation_Landscape,
} |
| Values that define the orientation of the screen. More...
enum | eDocking {
} |
| Values that define acor docking. More...
typedef CzList< CzActor * >
::iterator | _Iterator |
Public Member Functions |
_Iterator | begin () |
_Iterator | end () |
void | setParent (CzApp *parent) |
CzApp * | getParent () |
CzSpriteManager * | getSpriteManager () |
CzXomlResourceManager * | getResourceManager () |
CzActionsManager * | getActionsManager () |
CzAnimTimelinesManager * | getTimelinesManager () |
CzTimersManager * | getTimersManager () |
CzXomlVariableManager * | getVariableManager () |
CzProgramManager * | getProgramManager () |
IzScriptEngine * | getScriptEngine () |
void | setScriptEngine (const CzString &type) |
| Sets the scenes script engine type.
void | setType (int type) |
int | getType () const |
CzIVec2 | getScreenSize () const |
eOrientation | getOrientation () const |
CzIVec2 | getVirtualSize () const |
void | setVirtualTransform (int required_width, int required_height, float angle, bool fix_aspect=false, bool lock_width=false, eCanvasOrigin canvas_origin=Origin_Centre) |
| Sets virtual transform.
void | setVirtualTransform (int required_width, int required_height, float angle, eCanvasFit fit=Fit_Best, eCanvasOrigin canvas_origin=Origin_Centre) |
| Sets the scenes virtual transform.
CzMatrix3 & | getVirtualTransform () |
CzMatrix3 & | getTransform () |
void | setCanvasFit (eCanvasFit fit) |
eCanvasFit | getCanvasFit () const |
eCanvasOrigin | getCanvasOrigin () const |
void | setCanvasOrigin (eCanvasOrigin org) |
CzList< CzActor * > & | getActors () |
void | addActor (CzActor *actor) |
| Adds an actor to the scene.
void | removeActorNoDelete (CzActor *actor) |
| Removes the actor from the scene without cleaning it up.
void | removeActor (CzActor *actor, bool instant_delete=false) |
| Removes the actor from the scene.
void | removeActor (unsigned int name_hash, bool instant_delete=false) |
| Removes the actor from the scene.
void | removeActors (unsigned int tag_hash) |
| Removes all actors that belong to the spcified group.
void | fixActors (CzActor *parent) |
void | removeLinkedActors (CzActor *actor, bool instant_delete=false) |
| Removes all actors that link to the specified actor.
bool | findActorInRemovals (CzActor *actor) |
| Searches for the actor in the actor removals list.
int | checkActorState (CzActor *actor) |
| Checks the actors current state.
CzActor * | findActor (const char *name) |
| Searches for the named actor.
CzActor * | findActor (unsigned int name_hash) |
| Searches for the named actor.
CzActor * | findActor (int type) |
| Searches for the first actor of the specified type.
int | findActors (unsigned int tag_hash, CzVector< CzActor * > &actors) |
| Searches for a group of actors that have a specific group tag name.
int | findActorsOfType (int type, CzVector< CzActor * > &actors) |
| Searches for a group of actors that have a specific group tag name.
CzActor * | findClosestActor (int x, int y, int type) |
| Searches for the actor of the specific type that is nearest to the specified point.
CzActor * | findFurthestActor (int x, int y, int type) |
| Searches for the actor of the specific type that is furthest from the specified point.
void | clearActors (bool ignore_visuals=false) |
| Clears and destroys all actors in the scene.
void | setExtents (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
CzIRect | getExtents () const |
void | setCamera (CzCamera *camera) |
| Sets the scenes current camera.
CzCamera * | getCamera () |
bool | addCollideable (CzActor *actor) |
| Adds n actor to the a collideables list.
CzActor ** | getCollidables () |
int | getTotalCollidables () const |
void | setAllowSuspend (bool allow_suspend) |
bool | getAllowSuspend () const |
void | setClippingArea (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
CzIRect | getClippingArea () |
void | setClipStatic (bool is_static) |
bool | isClipStatic () const |
void | setActive (bool active) |
bool | isActive () const |
void | setVisible (bool visible) |
bool | isVisible () const |
void | setColour (const CzColour &colour) |
void | setColour (uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a) |
void | setOpacity (int opacity) |
int | getOpacity () const |
CzColour | getColour () const |
void | setTimeline (CzAnimTimeline *timeline) |
CzAnimTimeline * | getTimeline () |
void | setBindings (CzXomlBindings *bindings) |
CzXomlBindings * | getBindings () |
void | setRunCount (int count) |
int | getRunCount () const |
void | setDestroyed (bool destroyed) |
bool | isDestroyed () const |
void | setAllowFocus (bool allow) |
bool | getAllowFocus () const |
void | setLayer (int layer) |
int | getLayer () const |
bool | isDragging () const |
void | setConstantTimeStep (float step) |
float | getConstantTimeStep () const |
CzBox2dWorld * | getBox2dWorld () |
void | setUserPropertyList (CzUserPropertyList *props) |
CzUserPropertyList * | getUserPropertyList () |
CzEventManager * | getEventsManager () |
void | setModifiers (CzModifierManager *mods) |
CzModifierManager * | getModifiers () |
bool | setProperty (const char *property_name, const CzString &data, bool delta) |
| Sets the named property of the scene.
virtual bool | setProperty (unsigned int property_name, const CzString &data, bool delta) |
| Sets the named property of the scene.
virtual bool | setProperty (unsigned int property_name, const CzXomlProperty &data, bool delta) |
| Sets the named property of the scene.
bool | getProperty (const char *property_name, CzXomlProperty &prop) |
| Gets the named property of the scene.
virtual bool | getProperty (unsigned int property_name, CzXomlProperty &prop) |
void | setBatching (bool enabled) |
bool | isBatching () const |
int | getMaxLayers () const |
bool | getTickEnabled () const |
CzIVec2 | getOriginalSize () const |
void | setPhysicsEnabled (bool enable) |
bool | isPhysicsEnabled () const |
| CzScene () |
virtual | ~CzScene () |
| CzScene destructor.
virtual int | Init (int max_collidables=128, int max_layers=10, bool doSleep=true) |
| Initialises this scene.
void | UpdatePhysics (float dt) |
| Updates the physics world.
virtual void | Update (float dt) |
| Updates the scene.
virtual void | Draw () |
| Draws this scene.
virtual void | PreDestroy () |
CzVec2 | ScreenToVirtual (float screen_x, float screen_y, bool ignore_translation=false) |
| Returns a virtual position from a screen position.
CzVec2 | VirtualToScreen (float virtual_x, float virtual_y, bool ignore_translation=false) |
| Returns a screen position frmo a virtual position.
CzVec2 | ScreenToCamera (float pos_x, float pos_y, bool ignore_translation=false) |
| Returns a virtual position from a position taking into account camera position.
void | ProcessEventActions (unsigned int event_name) |
| Process the event actions described by event_name.
virtual void | NotifyPan () |
| This event is called when this scene is panned.
virtual void | NotifyCreate () |
| This event is called when this scene is being created.
virtual void | NotifyDestroy () |
| This event is called when this scene is being destroyed.
virtual void | NotifySuspending (CzScene *new_scene) |
| This event is called when this scene is being suspended.
virtual void | NotifyResuming (CzScene *old_scene) |
| This event is called when this scene is being resumed.
virtual void | NotifyLostFocus (CzScene *new_scene) |
| This event is called when this scene has just lost focus.
virtual void | NotifyGainedFocus (CzScene *old_scene) |
| This event is called when this scene has just gained focus.
virtual void | NotifyKeyBack () |
| This event is called when this scene receives a back key press.
virtual void | NotifyKeyMenu () |
| This event is called when this scene receives a menu key press.
virtual void | NotifyOrientationChanged () |
| This event is called when this scene receives an orientatin changed event.
virtual void | NotifySizeChanged () |
| This event is called when this scene receives a size changed event.
virtual void | NotifyDeviceSuspended () |
| This event is called when this scene receives a device suspended event.
virtual void | NotifyDeviceResumed () |
| This event is called when this scene receives a device resumed event.
virtual void | NotifyDeviceVolumeUp () |
| This event is called when this scene receives a device volume up event.
virtual void | NotifyDeviceVolumeDown () |
| This event is called when this scene receives a device volume down event.
virtual void | NotifyDeviceNetworkOnline () |
| This event is called when this scene receives a network online event.
virtual void | NotifyDeviceNetworkOffline () |
| This event is called when this scene receives a network offline event.
void | Suspend (CzScene *new_scene) |
| Suspends this scene.
void | Resume (CzScene *old_scene) |
| Resumes this scene.
CzActor * | FindTappedActor (int x, int y) |
| Searches for the first tapped actor.
void | CleanupRemovedActors () |
| Cleans up removed actors.
void | CheckforInvalidRemovals (const char *check_point) |
| Checks the actor removals list for invalid removals.
int | LoadFromXoml (IzXomlResource *parent, bool load_children, CzXmlNode *node) |
| Creates an instance of this class from XOML.
bool | PostLoadFromXoml (IzXomlResource *parent, CzXmlNode *node) |
| Carries out any post XOML loading tasks.
bool | UpdateFromAnimation (CzAnimInstance *animation) |
| Updates scene property from supplied animation.
void | RestoreClipping () |
| Restore the scenes clipping rectangle.
Static Public Member Functions |
static void | InitClass () |
| Initialises the class.
static void | ReleaseClass () |
static bool | _setName (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getName (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setType (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getType (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setLayer (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getLayer (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setPosition (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getPosition (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setPositionX (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getPositionX (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setPositionY (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getPositionY (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setAngle (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getAngle (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setScale (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getScale (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setColour (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getColour (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setOpacity (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getOpacity (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setTargetX (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setTargetY (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setCanvasSize (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getCanvasSize (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setCanvasFit (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getCanvasFit (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setCanvasOrigin (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getCanvasOrigin (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setExtents (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getExtents (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setAllowSuspend (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getAllowSuspend (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setClipping (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getClipping (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setClipStatic (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getClipStatic (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setActive (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getActive (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setVisible (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getVisible (IzXomlResource *target) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getLayers (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setCurrent (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getCurrent (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setTimeline (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getTimeline (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setBindings (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getBindings (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setTimeScale (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getTimeScale (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setCamera (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getCamera (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setBatch (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getBatch (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setAllowFocus (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getAllowFocus (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setOnSuspend (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnResume (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnLostFocus (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnGainedFocus (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnCreate (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnDestroy (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnKeyBack (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnKeyMenu (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnOrientationChange (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnTick (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnPan (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnDeviceSuspended (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnDeviceResumed (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnDeviceVolumeUp (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnDeviceVolumeDown (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnDeviceNetworkOnline (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setOnDeviceNetworkOffline (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static bool | _setScriptEngine (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getScriptEngine (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setWorldScale (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getWorldScale (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setPhysics (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getPhysics (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setGravity (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getGravity (IzXomlResource *target) |
static bool | _setPhysicsTimeStep (IzXomlResource *target, const CzXomlProperty &prop, bool add) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getPhysicsTimeStep (IzXomlResource *target) |
static CzXomlProperty | _getUserProperties (IzXomlResource *target) |
Static Public Attributes |
static const char * | DockingNames [] |
Protected Member Functions |
virtual void | UpdateBindings (bool force_modified=false) |
| Update data bindings.
void | UpdateActorResizing () |
| Updates the parents of any actors that have resized themselves.
Protected Attributes |
CzSpriteManager * | SpriteManager |
| Manages sprites for the whole scene.
CzXomlResourceManager * | ResourceManager |
| Manages all types of resources.
CzXomlVariableManager * | VariableManager |
| Manages XOML variables.
CzActionsManager * | ActionsManager |
| Manages actions.
CzAnimTimelinesManager * | TimelinesManager |
| Manages timelines.
CzTimersManager * | TimersManager |
| Manages attached timers.
CzProgramManager * | ProgramManager |
| Manages the execution of a collection of programs.
CzXomlBindings * | Bindings |
| Manages any attached bindings.
IzScriptEngine * | ScriptEngine |
| Mnaages scene scripts.
CzApp * | Parent |
| Parent game controller.
int | Type |
| Type of scene.
eOrientation | Orientation |
| Current display orientation.
CzIVec2 | ScreenSize |
| Native screen size.
CzIVec2 | VirtualSize |
| The virtual size is not the actual size of the scene. but a static pretend size that we can use to render to without having to cater for different sized displays.
CzMatrix3 | VirtualTransform |
| Virtual transform is used to scale, translate and rotate scene to fit different display sizes and orientations.
CzMatrix3 | Transform |
| Scene transform.
CzList< CzActor * > | Actors |
| Collection of scene actors.
CzIRect | Extents |
| Extents of scenes world.
CzCamera * | Camera |
| Current camera.
CzActor ** | Collidables |
| List of collidable objects built this frame.
bool | AllowSuspend |
| If true then this processing of this scene will be suspended when the scene manager changes away from this scene.
CzIRect | ClippingArea |
| A rectangular area of the virtual screen that this scene will be clipped to.
bool | ClipStatic |
| If ClipStatic is true then camera transform is not applied to clipping rect.
bool | IsActive |
| Active state of scene.
bool | IsVisible |
| Visible state of scene.
bool | AllowFocus |
| If true this scene can receive input events if it is not the current scene.
CzColour | Colour |
| Colour.
CzAnimTimeline * | Timeline |
| Timeline, controls animation of the scene.
int | RunCount |
| NUmber of times the scene has been updated.
bool | Destroyed |
| A scene is marked asd destroyed when it has been marked for deletion.
int | Layer |
| Scenes layer.
bool | PhysicsEnabled |
| True if physics is enabled in this scene.
bool | IsDragging |
| True if user is draggnig their finger on the scene.
bool | PrevTouching |
| True if user is draggnig their finger on the scene.
CzVec2 | PrevTouchVel |
| Previous touch velocity.
float | ConstantTimeStep |
| If 0 then time step will be calculated from frame rate.
CzBox2dWorld * | Box2dWorld |
CzUserPropertyList * | UserPropertyList |
| User properties list.
CzEventManager * | EventsManager |
| List of events that the scene handles.
CzModifierManager * | Modifiers |
| Class modifiers manager.
bool | TickEnabled |
| true if OnTick event specified
CzIVec2 | OriginalSize |
| Original size of scene.
eCanvasFit | CanvasFit |
| Fit method for scalnig canvas.
eCanvasOrigin | CanvasOrigin |
| Origin type.
CzVec2 | TransformedClipRect [2] |
| Transformed clipping rect for the scene.
CzList< CzActor * > | Removals |
int | MaxCollidables |
| Maximum allowed collidables.
int | NextFreeCollidable |
| Points to next free slot in sollidables list pool.
int | MaxLayers |
| Maximum visible layers.
Static Protected Attributes |
static CzXomlClassDef * | ClassDef = NULL |
A scene contains, handles and tracks a group of actors.
Sometimes understanding concepts are much easier when compared to something that one is already familiar with. In this case we will compare the making of apps and games using XOML to the making of a movie. In the movie business a scene (or set) is a place where the action takes place, it contains all of the actors, the cameras and scenery. Each actor has its own specific instructions, behaviours and purpose.
A CzScene is responsible for the following functionality:
- Setup and handling of the virtual canvas
- Managing, updating and cleaning up actors
- Managing, updating, rendering and cleaning up sprites
- Managing and clean up of animation data
- Managing and clean up of animation timelines
- Managing and clean up of animation timers
- Managing and clean up of events / actions
- Managing and clean up of resources such as images and sounds
- Managing and clean up of physics materials and shapes
- Managing and clean up of XOML variables
- Managing and clean up of XOML data bindings
- Managing and clean up of XOML programs
- Managing and clean up of scripts
- Clipping sprites against the scenes visible extents
- Updating the camera
- Tracking actors that can potentially collide
- Transitions between scenes
- Updating the scenes animation timeline
- Instantiating itself from XOML
- Updating physics
Its worth noting at this point that any actors that live inside a scene will be transformed by the same transform as the scene, so if you move, scale or spin the scene then the contained actors will also move, scale and spin with it. The same can also be said about the base colour of the scene.
Creating a Scene
There are a number of ways to create a scene, lets take a look at some basic examples:
- XOML Example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Scene Name="AppScene" Current="true" CanvasSize="800, 480">
- Code Example:
- Code Example (using macros):
- Lua Script Example:
local my_scene = scene.create("Scene1", 800, 600, "best", "centre", false, false, "lua")
Here we create a scene called AppScene that has a canvas size of 800x480 pixels. Once a scene is set-up we can begin adding the actors and other content that form our game or app.
Scene Properties
Now that we know how to create a scene lets take a look at the extensive list of properties that scenes support:
General Properties
- Name - The name of the scene is a very important property and should be chosen so that it does not conflict with names of other scenes that are present at the same time. It is possible to have multiple scenes with the same name, but only one of those scenes can be created. It is possible to destroy a scene and create a new scene of the same name. A scene name should also be memorable as you may want to refer to the scene from other areas of XOML or even script.
- Type (whole number) - The type of scene is a simple number that can be used to identify specific scene types. For example, you could create multiple scenes that are all related and assign them all the same type.
- Extents (x, y, width, height) - A rectangular area that describes the extents of the scenes world
- AllowSuspend (boolean) - Determines if the scene can be suspended when other scenes are activated
- Clipping (x, y, width, height) - A rectangular area that represents the visible area of the scene
- ClipStatic (boolean) – When true camera transform is not applied to the clipping rect
- Active - The active state of a scene determines if the scene is processing its contents. If not active then scene processing will stop and any content that is contained within the scene will also stop processing
- Visible - If a scene is not visible then it will be hidden from view, although the scene and its contents will still be processed.
- Layers (number, read-only) - The number of visible actor layers that the scene should use (10 is default value)
- Current (boolean) - If true then the scene is made the current scene
- Camera (camera name) - Current camera
- Batch (boolean) - Tells the system to batch sprites for optimised rendering, default is disabled
- AllowFocus (boolean) - If set to true then this scene will receive input focus events that the current scene would usually receive exclusively. This is useful if you have a HUD overlay that has functionality but it cannot be the current scene as the game scene is currently the current scene
- Style (style) - Sets scene properties from a pre-defined style (see Style tag)
- UserProperties (object, read-only) – The scenes user properties list
- TargetX (actor name, write-only) – Sets the actor that the camera will be used to track its x-axis
- TargetY (actor name, write-only) – Sets the actor that the camera will be used to track its y-axis
- Bindings (bindings name) – Defines a bindings list that binds variables to scene properties. Reading this property will return a bindings object
- TimeScale (number) – Changes the speed at which an attached timeline is played. This property cannot be set when initially declaring the scene
Visual Properties
- Position (x, y) - The position of the scene on screen
- PositionX (number) - The X position of the scene on screen
- PositionY (number) - The Y position of the scene on screen
- Angle (degrees) - The orientation of the scene in degrees
- Scale (scale) - The scale of the scene
- CanvasSize (x, y) - The virtual canvas size of the screen
- CanvasFit (none, best, both, width, or height) - The type of method to use when scaling the canvas to the devices native screen resolution
- CanvasOrigin (top, left, topleft or centre) - Where to locate the canvas origin
- Layer (whole number)- The visual layer that this scene should be rendered on (Valid values are 0 to 9)
- Colour (r, g, b, a)- The colour of the scene, Each component red, green, blue and alpha should be between the value of 0 and 255 (0 is no colour, whilst 255 is full colour)
- Opacity (opacity) - The opacity of the scene (how see-through the scene appears). Opacity value ranges from 0 (invisible) to 255 (fully visible)
- Timeline (timeline) - The time line that should be used to animate the scene. Reading this property will return a timeline object
Event Properties
- OnSuspend (actions list) - Provides an actions group that is called when the scene is suspended
- OnResume (actions list) - Provides an actions group that is called when the scene is resumed
- OnCreate (actions list) - Provides an actions group that is called when the scene is created
- OnDestroy (actions list) - Provides an actions group that is called when the scene is destroyed
- OnKeyBack (actions list) - Provides an actions group that is called when the user presses the back key
- OnKeyMenu (actions list) - Provides an actions group that is called when the user presses the menu key
- OnOrientationChanged (actions list) - Provides an actions group that is called when the user changes the devices orientation
- OnTick (actions list) - Provides an actions group that is called every time the scene is updated (30 to 60 times per second)
- OnDeviceSuspended (actions list, write-only) - Provides an actions group that is called when the app is suspended
- OnDeviceResumed (actions list, write-only) - Provides an actions group that is called when the app is resumed
- OnDeviceVolumeUp (actions list, write-only) - Provides an actions group that is called when the volume up button was pressed
- OnDeviceVolumeDown (actions list, write-only) - Provides an actions group that is called when the volume down button was pressed
- OnDeviceNetworkOnline (actions list, write-only) - Provides an actions group that is called when the network goes online
- OnDeviceNetworkOffline (actions list, write-only) - Provides an actions group that is called when the network goes offline
Physical Properties
- Gravity (x, y) - Box2D directional world gravity
- WorldScale (x, y) - Box2D world scale
- DoSleep (boolean) - If set to true then actors that utilise physics will be allowed to sleep when they are not moving / interacting
- Physics (boolean) - Enables or disables physics processing in the scene
- PhysicsTimestep (number) - Sets how fast the physics engine updates the physics world. This value is specified in number of 1/60th's of a second. So passing a value of 1 will update physics as though the frame rate of the app is running at 60 frames per second. A value of 3 would would update physics at a rate of 20 frames per second. Setting this to a value of 0 will use a variable time step based on the current frame rate of the app. The default value is 2.0 We will now take a closer look at how these properties function.
Scene Virtual Canvas
Targeting a large selection of different phones, tablets and other devices with a variety of different screen sizes and aspect ratios can be difficult to manage. Luckily scenes can take care of this for you. A scene is quite clever in that it can render itself to any sized / configuration display using the virtual canvas concept. A virtual canvas is basically our own ideal screen size that we want to render to. The scene will scale and translate its visuals to fit our canvas onto the devices display allowing us to get on with developing our app using a static resolution. Lets take a look at an example that creates a scene with a virtual canvas of 800x480:
<!-- Create a scene to hold our game / app actors -->
<Scene Name="AppScene" Current="true" CanvasSize="800, 480" CanvasFit="best" >
<!-- Actors go here -->
Using the AppScene above regardless of whatever size screen we run our app on our content will be scaled to fit an 800x480 pixel display resolution because we specified a CanvasSize of "800x480". We also told the scene to use its best judgement when scaling the scene by specifying CanvasFit="best". As an example if we run our app on an iPhone retina display at 960x640 pixels and using a canvas fit method of best fit then our app will be scaled to best fit the 960x640 resolution, which would be 960x576 pixels. The scene would be centred on the screen leaving a little space at the top and bottom of the display.
Scenes support a number of ways of fitting the the virtual canvas to the device screen including:
- none - No scaling is performed. This is ideal if you want a 1:1 pixel ratio and mostly used by apps and games that use proportional sizing and positioning.
- both - The scene is scaled to fit the exact size of the display ignoring aspect ratio (aspect ratio is the ratio of the screens width to the screens height). The problem with this method of scaling is that the scene will be stretched on displays with different aspect ratios which can make certain apps look odd.
- best - The scene is scaled to best fit the devices display size whilst maintaining aspect ratio. This method of scaling prevents stretched graphics, however it can leave gaps to the top and bottom or left and right
- width / height - This method of scaling is the same as best except scaling is locked to either the width or the height.
Scenes also provide a way to allow you to specify how coordinates are interpreted allowing you to place content relative to either the centre, left, top-left or top of the screen. The scenes origin is by default set to the centre of the scene, but it can be changed by supplying the CanvasOrigin property when declaring the scene, e.g.:
<Scene Name="AppScene" Current="true" CanvasOrigin="topleft">
This scene places actors relative to the top-left hand corner of the scene instead of relative to the centre. However, we find that having the scenes origin at the centre is much better and feels more natural when designing apps an games for a variety of screen sizes as content can be allowed to extend from the centre and beyond the scenes size. The default canvas size for a scene is the devices native display resolution
Scene Layers and Actor Layering
Because an app can contain multiple scenes that are visible at the same time, its sometimes required to sort the order in which these scenes are displayed. For example, you may have a game that has a background layer, a game object layer and a foreground layer. The visibility ordering of these scenes will be displayed in the opposite order to which you create them. For example, if you create the foreground scene and then the background scene afterwards then the background scene will be drawn on top of the foreground scene, which is the wrong way around. You could remedy this problem by adding the background scene first, but sometimes this is not practical. To eliminate the problem, scenes can be placed on a layer of depth by setting the Layer="layer number" (layer numbers 0 to 9 are supported with 9 being the highest layer) property of the scene. Scenes that are placed on the same layer will be sorted in the order they were added, with more recent additions appearing on top. Each scene also determines how actors are sorted in a scene (we will discuss actors in great depth later). We can define how many layers are available for the actor system to use by adding the Layers="number of layers" property to the scene definition. The default is 16 which is fine for most applications.
An example has been provided that demonstrates scene layering (see SceneLayers example). Lets take a quick look at an extract of the XOML for this example:
<!-- Create scene 1 on highest layer -->
<Scene Name="Scene1" Layer="9">
<!-- Create scene 2 on middle layer -->
<Scene Name="Scene2" Layer="5">
<!-- Create scene 3 on highest layer -->
<Scene Name="Scene3" Layer="0">
Here we create 3 scenes and assign each one a different layer.
Current Scene
An app generally consists of a number of different scenes that all contain their own objects. However only one scene can normally receive input. This scene is known as the current or focus scene. When you declare a scene it can be made to be the current scene by adding Current="true" to the scene definition. By comparison, you could think of all of the different windows on your PC or Mac as separate scenes, but only one of those windows can usually accept user input at one time. When a scene is made current it is brought to the front of any scenes that are on the same layer (more on layers later).
It is also possible to mark scenes so that more than one scene can receive input events at the same time. This can be useful if you have two scenes on lower layers that need to also receive input. For example, you may have a heads-up display that has functional buttons on the highest layer and the game scene on a lower layer that also needs to receive input events. To mark a scene to receive input events you need to add the AllowFocus="true" attribute to your scene definition.
Suspending and Resuming Scenes
By default all active scenes in your app will be processed continuously. However this is not always required and for apps that contain a lot of active scenes it can slow down your app. Scenes can be suspended so that they stop processing (they will still be visible). In fact, scenes that allow suspending / resuming are automatically suspended when you change the current scene to another scene. To enable suspending / resuming for a scene you should set its AllowSuspend="true" property. When a scene is suspended or resumed it will fire a suspend or resume event which allows you to perform actions (more on this later).
The follownig two methods handle scene suspend / resume:
Like all event handlers its possible to override these if you derive your own scene class from CzScene and handle these events as you see fit.
Scenes can be suspended and resumed using the following actions in XOML:
- ChangeScene - The previous scene will be suspended and the new scene will be resumed (provided that the scenes have AllowSuspend="true" defined)
- SuspendScene - Suspends the scene even if suspend / resume is disabled for the scene
- ResumeScene - Resumes the scene even if suspend / resume is disabled for the scene
Scene Extents
Scenes can be as large or as small as you like, they can even be many times larger than the devices screen size. This enables you to create content that exists in a much larger space than the screen can display. You can then allow the user to pan around the scene to view more of the content. The size of your scenes world can be set using the Extents property which accepts 4 values which represent the rectangular area that objects can exist in. Actors can be made so that when they hit the edge of the scenes extents they re-appear on the opposite side (much like asteroids in the old Atari game Asteroids does), this is called wrapping. An example called SceneExtents has been provided that shows an actor moving across the scene, it wraps back around to the opposite end of the scene when it hits the scenes extents. Lets take a quick look at the XOML for this example:
<!-- Create scene with narrow extents -->
<Scene Name="Scene1" Extents="-100, -100, 200, 200" Current="true">
<!-- Create a label object -->
<Label Font="serif" Background="Button1Brush" BackgroundColour="255, 80, 80, 255" Text="Wrapping" WrapPosition="true" OnTick="Update">
<Actions Name="Update">
<Action Method="AddProperty" Param1="Position" Param2="2, 2" />
This example introduces some concepts that you have not yet met such as actions and events. You do not need to worry about these for now as we are only focusing on the bold sections. Note how we have set the scenes extents using Extents="-100, -100, 200, 200". This collection of 4 value represent the left, top, width and height of the scenes extents. Also note that our Label has been given a new property called WrapPosition which is set to true. This tells the Label actor to wrap its position when it hits the edges of the scenes extents.
Scene Clipping
When a scene is smaller than the devices display size its sometimes useful to be able to ensure that anything that is drawn within the scene is not drawn outside the scene. To accomplish this we need to clip content that falls outside the scenes area of coverage. To tell a Scene to clip its contents you add the Clipping property which takes 4 values (left, top, width, height). An example has been provided called SceneClipping which demonstrates how to apply scene clipping. Lets take a quick look at this example:
<!-- Create scene with narrow extents -->
<Scene Name="Scene1" Extents="-100, -100, 200, 200" Clipping="-100, -100, 200, 200" Current="true" />
In this example we limit the scenes extents and set the clipping area to -100, -100, 200, 200. By default the scenes clipping area will move around with the scene, although you can modify this behaviour to force the clipping area to remain in place on screen. To force clipping to remain in place add ClipStatic="true" to your scene definition.
Scene Events
An event is something that occurs in your app that you may or may not want to know about and act upon. For example, when the scene is first created the OnCreate event is raised. Using actions (explained later) you can react to these events and modify your apps behaviour.
Internally the scene handles events using the Events Manager (EventsManager). This manager handles the mapping between events and actions lists that should be called when the events take place. To add an event to the events manager we call EventsManager->addEvent(event_name, action_list_name), e.g:
This example ties the SuspendedActions list that was previously defined in XOML using the Actions tag to the OnSuspend event. When an event takes place the corresponding event notification method of CzScene is called, for example NotifyCreate() is called when the scene is created. This in turn calls CzScene::ProcessEventActions() to handle the event. ProcessEventActions examines its list of subscribed events to see if the event has been subsribed to. If it has then the corresponding actions list will be called. if you do not wish to use actions lists to respond to events then yuo can simply derive your own sceen class from CzScene, override the event notification methods such as NotifyCreate() and write your own implementation.
You can listen to events by adding an OnEvent property to the scene. Lets take a look at the list of events that can occur in a scene:
- OnSuspend - This event is raised when the scene is suspended. A scene is suspended if it is the current scene and another scene becomes the current scene (for scenes that support suspend / resume) or when a SuspendScene action is called
- OnResume - This event is raised when a scene is resumed (become the current scene) or when a ResumeScene action is called
- OnCreate - This event is raised when the scene is first created and gives you the opportunity to handle post scene creation logic. You could use this event to for example play a sound or hide another scene etc..
- OnDestroy - This event is raised when the scene is about to be destroyed, this gives you the opportunity to clean-up certain elements
- OnKeyBack - This event is raised when the user pressed the back button
- OnKeyMenu - This event is raised when the user pressed the menu button
- OnOrientationChanged - This event is raised when the devices orientation changes an allows yo to for example modify the scenes layout.
- OnTick - This event handler is raised every time the scene is updated (30 to 60 times per second)
- OnDeviceSuspended (actions list, write-only) - Provides an actions group that is called when the app is suspended
- OnDeviceResumed (actions list, write-only) - Provides an actions group that is called when the app is resumed
- OnDeviceVolumeUp (actions list, write-only) - Provides an actions group that is called when the volume up button was pressed
- OnDeviceVolumeDown (actions list, write-only) - Provides an actions group that is called when the volume down button was pressed
- OnDeviceNetworkOnline (actions list, write-only) - Provides an actions group that is called when the network goes online
- OnDeviceNetworkOffline (actions list, write-only) - Provides an actions group that is called when the network goes offline
The SceneEvents example shows an example showing how to handle the scenes OnTick event.
Scene Animation Properties
Scenes can be animated using animations defined in XOML. Whilst not all properties of a scene can be animated many can including:
- Position (x, y) - The position of the scene on screen
- Angle (degrees) - The orientation of the scene in degrees
- Scale (scale) - The scale of the scene
- Colour (r, g, b, a)- The colour of the scene, Each component red, green, blue and alpha should be between the value of 0 and 255 (0 is no colour, whilst 255 is full colour)
- Opacity (opacity)- The opacity of the scene (how see-through the scene appears). Opacity value ranges from 0 (invisible) to 255 (fully visible)
- Clipping (x, y, width, height) - The clipping area of the scene
- Visible (boolean) - The visibility of the scene
- Timeline (timeline) - The animation timeline that is currently being used to animate the scene. Timelines are great for creating complex scene transitions
- Camera (camera) - The current camera that is viewing the scene The SceneAnimation example has been provided that shows how to apply animation to a scene
- PhysicsTimestep (number) - This can be used to modify the speed at which physics updates allowing you to slow down or speed up physics.
Scene Modifiable Properties
Scenes can be queried and modified after their creation using actions, command and scripts. The following properties are includes:
General Properties
- Name (string)
- Type (number)
- Extents (x, y, width, height)
- AllowSuspend (boolean)
- Clipping (x, y, width, height)
- Active (boolean)
- Visible (boolean)
- Current (boolean)
- Camera (camera)
- AllowFocus (boolean)
Visual Properties
- Layer (number)
- Colour (r, g, b, a)
- Opacity (opacity)
- Timeline (timeline)
- TimeScale (number) - Speed at which to play back any attached timelines
Event Properties
- OnCreate (actions list)
- OnDestroy (actions list)
- OnKeyBack (actions list)
- OnKeyMenu (actions list)
- OnOrientationChanged (actions list)
- OnTick (actions list)
Physical Properties
- Gravity (x, y)
- WorldScale (x, y)
Scene Rendering
A scene has no actual visible component, instead it renders all of its contained actor objects. All actor objects are moved, rotated and scaled by the same amount that the scene is. For example, if you move the scene to the left, all contained actors will also moved to the left. If you rotate the scene to the right 45 degrees then all actors also rotate 45 degrees to the right. In addition, all scene actors will be scaled by the scenes colour and opacity settings, so if you fad down the scene all actors will also fade down with it.
Scenes support a method of optimisation known as batch rendering. This is the process of combining actors together at render time to render them all in one go, which can substantially speed up rendering for scenes that contain many actors. To force a scene to use batch rendering add Batch="true" to the scene definition. However, scenes that are marked as batch enabled will not sort their contained actors properly with the likes of fonts, so you will need to use actor layers to force the sorting.
When a scene is hidden from view, all of its actors will also be hidden. When a scene is deleted all of its actors are also deleted.
Scene Cameras
A camera is a view into the scene from a specific position, angle and scale. In order to move, rotate and scale a scene a camera should be created and attached to it. To create a camera you use the Camera XOML tag:
<!-- Create a camera -->
<Camera Name="Camera1" />
To attach the camera to the scene we add the Camera attribute to the scene definition:
<Scene Name="Scene1" Current="true" Camera="Camera1">
When we navigate a scene we are actually moving the camera view within the scene. When we move the camera objects tend to move in the opposite direction, for example moving the camera left moves the scene actors move to the right. If you think about how a real camera works, when you move the camera in one direction the view seen by the camera moves in the opposite direction.
Its possible to create a number of different cameras and switch between them to offer different views into the scene. Cameras offer a great out of the box feature called touch panning, which enables the user to pan the camera a round a scene on the x and y axis by dragging their finger around the scene. Take a look at the ScenePanning example for an example showing how to use touch panning.
Scene Augmentation
A scene once declared in XOML can later be updated / augmented with additional XOML elsewhere. For example, lets say that you declare some common scene that contains a basic background and some other elements that are common across a number of screens. You can later load the scene and then augment it by declaring the scene again supplying the additional elements inside the newly declared scene:
<Scene Name="CommonScene" ............ >
<Original_Element1 />
<Original_Element2 />
<Original_Element3 />
Now declare a 2nd scene with the same name:
<Scene Name="CommonScene">
<Extra_Element1 />
<Extra_Element2 />
<Extra_Element3 />
In memory the scene now looks like this:
<Scene Name="CommonScene" ............ >
<Original_Element1 />
<Original_Element2 />
<Original_Element3 />
<Extra_Element1 />
<Extra_Element2 />
<Extra_Element3 />
For a working example of augmented scenes take a look at the SceneAugmentation example.
Scene Physics
XOML scenes can run actors that are under the influence of the Box2D physics systems. The scene system allows you to specify some scene global information about the physics simulation. The following scene global properties can be set by adding the relevant tags to the scene definition:
- Gravity (x, y) - Box2D directional world gravity. Box2D uses directional gravity which means you can have gravity act in any direction.
- WorldScale (x, y) - Box2D world scale. This value determines how your visible world scales to the Box2D world (default is 10, 10)
- DoSleep (boolean) - If set to true then actors that utilise physics will be allowed to sleep when they are not moving / interacting, this can help speed up scenes that contain many actors that are under Box2D control.
- Physics (boolean) - Enables or disables physics processing in the scene, enabled by default. Disable in scenes that do not use physics to maximise performance.
- PhysicsTimestep (number) - Sets how fast the physics engine updates the physics world. This value is specified in number of 1/60th's of a second. So passing a value of 1 will update physics as though the frame rate of the app is running at 60 frames per second. A value of 3 would would update physics at a rate of 20 frames per second. Setting this to a value of 0 will use a variable time step based on the current frame rate of the app. The default value is 2.0 To see how scene physics is used please take a look at the ScenePhysics example.
Creating a Custom Scene
Generally and for the most part a standard CzScene can be used to accomplish most things with AppEasy scenes, especiallu if devloping most if not all of your aoo in XOML / Lua, however for those that require a little more control its possible to derive your own scene from CzScene and implement the supplied virtual methods to override certain functionality. The main 3 methods that you should consider re-implementing includes:
- int Init(int max_collidables = 128, int max_layers = 10, bool doSleep = true)
- void Update(float dt)
- void Draw()
Here's a quick example:
We have provided a very basic implementation of Init(), Update() and Draw() which call the base CzScene class methods so we keep its functionality in-tact.
You can take the implementation one step further (or maybe two) by implementing both the IzXomlResource and IzAnimTarget interfaces to allow instantiation of your custom class from XOML and to allow your class to be a target for animation time lines.
Firstly lets take a look at XOML enabling your custom scene class. To get AppEasy to recognise your class whilst parsing XOML files you need to do a few things:
- Derive your class from IzXomlResource and implement the LoadFromXoml method
- Create a class creator that creates an instance of your class then add this to the XOML engine
Lets start by taking a look at step 1.
Because we have derived our class from CzScene (which is derived from IzXomlResource) we already have the support for step 1. However we would like to insert our own custom attribute tags so we need to make a few changes.
Lets take a look at our new class with those changes:
Our new class now basically supports a Gravity attribute that we will eventually be able to set in XOML using something like:
<MyGameScene Name="GameScene" Gravity="9.8">
However, before we can do that we need to let the XOML system know about our new type of class (MyGameScene), so it can be instantiated when the XOM parser comes across it. To do this we need to create a creator:
The creator basically defines the tag name "MyGameScene" and returns an instance of the MyGameScene class when CreateInstance() is called.
To get the XOML system to recognise our creator we need to add it to the XOML parsing system using:
CZ_XOML->addClass(new MyGameSceneCreator());
Now XOML integration is out of the way, lets take a quick look at enabling our class as an animation target.
To enable a class as an animation target we derive it from IzAnimTarget and implement the UpdateFromAnimation() method. Luckily we derived our MyGameScene class from the CzScene class which already provides this functionality. Lets take a quick look at how we extend the animation update method to account for animating our gravity variable.
We added the above code to our MyGameScene class definition. We begin by calling the base UpdateFromAnimation() method so we can keep the existing animation properties of the scene. We then add our own custom check for the Gravity variable. If the animation property matches Gravity then we set the gravity to the provided interpolated value.